Civil Engineer and Specialist in Steel Structures, Daniel Silvério invites us to explore aspects related to the use of High Strength Steels in Seismic-resistant Structures of Buildings. In a world in constant and rapid transformation, new technological processes are part of the continuous search for increased efficiency, productivity and performance, even in the construction sector. Steel Structures are key elements in this context and, therefore, work on solutions that can optimise this performance is something core. Going through theoretical concepts, the general design philosophy, teaching the normative basis and the main seismic-resistant systems in steel, we will try to understand the contributions of High Strength Steels, more specifically, produced according to the ASTM A913/ A913M standard. We will analyse how these steels with special mechanical properties (greater strength, better weldability, good ductility and tenacity) can help to enhance solutions that deliver more lightness, less carbon footprint, meeting the strict demands inherent in seismic-resistant design and ensuring the safety of structures. The conference will be held in Spanish.
Estimated Time: 1.00 hours